Welcome to ACK St. Matthews Parish

Welcomes to our English and Kiswahili Sunday Services


St. Matthews parish is one of the five parishes in Lang'ata Archdeaconry in Nairobi Diocese with 300 faithful members spread the three churches: that is, St. Matthews, St.Ignatius and Church of Good Samaritan Nkaimurunya. The parish is led and shepherd by Reverend Redson Komu with the help of attached clergies Reverend Grace and Reverend Collins. The parish has active departments that run different groups within the churches. The departments include KAMA, Mothers Union, Children Ministry and also the Youth Ministry. These departments are meant to ensure the differents groups are well ministered with regard to their spiritual needs. The church also airs its sermons on Youtube and facebook. Don't forget to subscribe to the channels to get sermons everytime they get shared.