Crazy cactus

If you cannot miss the opportunity to add another cactus or succulent, you definately are a crazy cacti fan.

Cactus belongs to the succulents’ group, plants that can absorb and store large amounts of water in their plant body and roots. In this way they can go without water for extremely long periods. The thorns also have a similar function. They can absorb dew and thus provide extra moisture. The cactus is from the plant family of the Cactaceae. There are about 300 genera and 3,000 species. The family has many well-known species because they are easy to keep alive as a houseplant and are seen as decorative. The plants can be classified according to their shapes. There are the disc shape, the spherical shape, and the columnar shape. Certain cactus types can become very large, others remain very small.

Want to learn more about cacti? Click here.