Houseplant care may seem overwhelming for beginners. Especially as each plant you choose has its own specific wants and needs to ensure healthy growth. But don't be overwhelmed! Start small and follow this guide to ensure you are providing the best conditions for your plant babies.
💧Consider the plant's home environment- If it's tropical, it will need more watering. If it's used to hot and dry conditions, water less.
💧Consistency is key! Water your plant a similar amount each time, at similar intervals, at a similar time of day.
💧If the top inch of soil is dry, your plant probably needs watering!
💧If your plant's soil is always damp and the leaves are yellow, you're probably over-watering!
🍴The majority of houseplants should be fed every second watering during the growing season (spring and summer)
🍴In autumn and winter, houseplants don't requrire as much nutrients. You can reduce feeding to around once per month.
🍴A good way to feed houseplants is with a liquid concentrate feed.
☀️Not all plants require sunlight, but the majority will thrive in a room with plent of natural light.
☀️If natural light is not always available, many plants can still do well with artifical lamps designed for plant care.
☀️Be careful if placing plants in direct sunlight- Many houseplants may show signs of leaf-burn if the light is too direct!
🧼Cleaning houseplants is vital to ensure healthy growth.
🧼A plant that’s photosynthesizing optimally will be more resistant to diseases and pest infestations.
🧼Place small houseplants in a sink; wash larger houseplants in a shower. Let plants drip-dry before placing them in the sun.
🧼You can also clean small houseplants by supporting their soil with your fingers, turning them upside-down and swishing their leaves in warm water.