Practice self-care by lighting up a candle

The practice of self-care can seem like a lot of work at times. Like anything, it takes consistency and intention to create a healthy habit. It's important to note that self-care is the very first step in helping us create and maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves. You might be thinking: does lighting up a candle really count as self-care? My answer is: YES!

After a long and busy day, one of my favorite things to do is light up a warmly scented candle. The comforting flame and yummy warm scent instantly helps me destress. My room feels cozy and it makes me think about other things I can do to make my space even cozier! That might mean getting started on my nighttime routine, getting a book out to read, or turning on netflix. Before I know it, I've added a couple of more items to my self-care list for that night.

For that reason, invest in a cozy candle! It only takes a couple seconds to light up and it is a great first step toward taking care of yourself.


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