Music : The Most Universal Language

Why is Music a Universal Language ?

Music can be considered a universal lanaguage because of its elements. One of its most important attributes is the emotion is has! Emotion in music is defined as the "ability to evoke powerful emotional responses in listeners (Psychology, Fagan)". Many of us listen to music almost everyday, or at least some of us. Some of us put music on to help us cope with something we are experience, help us understand whart we are feeling, or just plain wanting to cure us of our boredom, or just for the reason of enjoying how the music sounds, loving the lyrics, etc. Alot of times a person can be sad and will want to feel comfort by listening to a song they feel has the lyrics that relate to what they are experiencing. When happy ypu want to listen to something upbeat and with a tempo. When bored I like to listen to the new songs that come out every week. Music is universal because of how many different languages, and genres it comes in. There's Pop, Rock, HipHop, Country, Gospel, Christian contemporary, Latin, R&B, and so much more.

Music is special

With a wide variety to choose from, music is able to connect all cultures together even if the song is in a diffrerent language. Connection through songs is possible because of the melody, rhythm, and tempo. A song is made from different sounds that come from arranging musical notes that evoke a specific emotion. The lyrics help accompany the different melodies by adding a specific meaning to the song which in turn helps add an extra layer of connection. If you are needing something to help cope with this stressful life, Muisc can definetly become your outlet. Beside its one of the most used outlet in the Arts !
