Two Of The Most Modern Cities In The World

When it comes to forward thinking, high-end technologies, innovative designs and environmental advancements, Tokyo and San Francisco come at the top of the list.

Read this article to find more about these two technologically advanced cities.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo

Despite having ancient temples, the Imperial Palace, and more, Tokyo is known for being the Asian New York.
With its bullet-speed trains, rising skyscrapers, cutting edge robotics and smartphone technology, automobiles, flashing neon signs, contemporary architecture, and bustling streets filled with the newest technology Tokyo is placed in the list of top 10 modern cities in the world.
By walking around this beautiful city, you’ll see its modern delights yourself!
Robots on the street, the latest high-tech gadgets, automated dining services, lavatory and cleaning systems, world’s tallest tower and many more that will make you want to visit this city more than once!

San Francisco, United States

San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco

San Francisco is known for being one of the most socially progressive cities in America and being home to one of the biggest technological hubs in the world, Silicon Valley, which serves as a global center for high technology and innovation. Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are all placed in the community of Silicon Valley.
Electrical grid operating on renewable energy and various spots for charging electric cars, super-fast internet services, smart parking, and many vehicle sharing systems are some of the technological features that makes San Francisco one of the most advanced cities in the whole world.
Not just in tech but San Francisco is also a true leader in terms of social issues like human rights and anti-racism and gender equality.
It is also known for having a large number of beautiful homes that are shown in popular design magazines.

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