
A Professional Procedure Writing Portal

Hands on a keyboard

About Us

CopyCat Inc. specializes in developing the content and structure of technical procedures.

Do you need procedures that prescribe precisely how to accomplish technical tasks associated with starting up, testing, operating, and maintaining your Facility? CopyCat can write them for you!

Our Goal

At CopyCat Inc., we write technical procedures that are easy to follow.

CopyCat will collaborate with your Company to design a procedure template that meets your Facility's needs. Our template design aids readability, comprehension, and allow users to concentrate on the actual performance of the instructions, without having to waste time interpreting presentation style (format, language and style, and section layout/organization), within and among procedures.

The template boilerplate text we choose, allows procedures we write for you to specify fixed tasks and define actions in a logical bulleted or numbered order to ensure that operations are efficient, and practiced within a defined margins of safety. The font and point size styles are customized so that procedures are readable in the field under the worst environmental conditions.

The Writing Process

Technical writing workflow

Built by Marsha Mahabir.