little with with pumpkin

What is Samhain?

Samhain is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. In modern times, Samhain is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year.” Being here, at the mid-point of the season we can really see the shift in the seasonal energy. It’s very clear we’re in autumn. At Samhain our inner world is overtaking our outer, Summer world. Day is turning to night as we move into the dark side of the wheel of the year

Samhain energies

The Energy turns inward

You can see it in the trees & the gardens, and you can feel it in your spirit. We’re drawing inward & our inner lives want our attention. Without judgement, get comfortable with your inner life. Feel whatever you need to feel, and practice being an observer.

Embrace the darkness within

The dark side of the wheel of the year reminds us not to fear the darkness. There’s a lot of beauty in these dark days, and as you turn inward, don’t be afraid to look at your dark parts. Accept your dark parts as you accept the light ones.

Time for self-nurturing

The Samhain energy is really encouraging you to take deep care of yourself right now. Sleep as much as you can, don’t push yourself. Whatever self-care looks like for you, do that. Don’t judge yourself for how much you need it right now. Allow yourself to rest, be open to just receive whatever comes to you in this space.

Art by Vlepkaaday || insta @vlepkaaday || fb @vlepkaaday

👻 Coded by Justyna Sygulska 👻