
🌲 The Wild Man of the Woods 🌳

Patterson Bigfoot
Sasquatch Footprints

Sasquatch, also known as "Bigfoot," is a mysterious creature that has been sighted in the wilderness of North America and Canada as far back as 500 to 1000 years ago. This legendary creature is thought to be around six to nine feet tall, with some said to reach as tall as 10 to 15 feet! Bigfoot is a bipedal, apelike animal with human facial features. He/she is covered in thick dark hair from head to toe, and some have said they have quite a stinky odor, like that of a skunk. People have reported sightings of these creatures, including video and photos claiming to be an actual bigfoot. The most popular "evidence" of bigfoot is the Patterson/Gimlin video (pictured above) from 1967 in Northern California. Does this creature actually exist? You can be the judge.
Sasquatch Wikipedia