
🧘 A life changing journey‍ 🧘


"From childhood onward, we have been educated only to examine and verify things in the external world. No one has taught us how to look within, to find within, and to verify within.
The goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind and experience our essential nature—which is described as peace, happiness, and bliss."

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From my personal experience, with just 15min every morning you can set the mood for the whole day. And turn those annoying, moody mornings in joyfull and produtive days that will allow you to create the life you want!

What's the best meditation practice for you?

Let's not forget this journey through self discovery can also be shared. We are all part of a huge, world community. And you can find like minded people all around the planet. Here are some suggestions:

This page was coded by Maria Coimbra