
A Brazilian treat

If you make brigadeiro for someone who is feeling bad, there are good chances that it will make them smile

Brigadeiro is a delicious Brazilian dessert made by heating three key ingredients together - unsalted butter, cocoa powder, and condensed milk, which are then rolled into a small ball, similar in shape to a truffle.
First made in the 1940s, when fruit and sweets were in short supply, brigadeiro was born out of creativity with just a few ingredients. According to one legend, Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes was running for presidency in 1945 with a slogan that said "Vote for Brigadeiro, he's handsome and single". The slogan won over a lot of girls who baked and sold the sweets in order to raise funds for Brigadeiro's campaign.
Today it is impossible to find a birthday party in Brazil without these chocolate sweets. Brigadeiros are very sweet, with a rich chocolate flavor, and are usually topped with chocolate sprinkles.

Learn more about brigadeiro

👩‍🍳 Recipes for homemade brigadeiros:

Classic brigaeiro Strawberry brigadeiro
Coconut brigadeiro Cookies & Cream brigadeiro

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