Empower Together

Girls are strongest when they support one another

We know the next generation of leaders will comprise more women than at any time in history. Yet, far too many girls still face significant obstacles to their health and well-being and leadership potential. Girls are innately powerful. But as they are repeatedly confronted with ingrained biases, discrimination, and inequitable systems, their confidence and sense of self is threatened and is slowly (and sometimes quickly) eroded.

When girls have a healthy, positive self image they understand their inherent value and worth. Girls are comfortable and appreciative of themselves. They recognize it’s okay to be different and stand out from the crowd. They believe they are capable of doing good things, and they strive for progress not perfection. They feel good about themselves and so make decisions that support their healthy development.

Help girls discover their strengths and provide them opportunities to build confidence in doing things that come naturally to them. We must also encourage girls to take risks and understand the difference between progress and perfection. How a girl thinks and feels about herself directly influences her capacity to lead in life. Together, we can help girls see that there is no limit to their potential and that they can make valuable contributions to the world.

Find out more at Girls Inc.