Royal Shrovetide Football

"Two towns, that long that war had raged"

Royal Shrovetide Football

I grew up in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, which is home to the "Royal Shrovetide Football", a medieval football game played annually on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. The game consists of two teams, the "Uppards" and the "Downards", which team you belong to depends on where you were born!

The aim of the game is to get the ball to the oppositions goal, and tap the ball on the goal three times to score. The ball is carried by the players in a large hug or scrum to the goals, which are 2 miles apart. The ball is "thrown up" at 2pm on both days and the game starts. If a team scores before 5pm then the ball is thrown up for a second time in the day. If the ball is scored between 5pm - 10pm then the game ends for the day, and if no team scores, the game will end at 10pm. The rules are......the ball cannot be carried in a bag or hidden in a coat etc, it cannot be carried in a motorised vehicle, and murder/manslaughter is prohibited!! Dozens if not hundreds particpate each year, with thousands of people come each year to watch the game.

Click here to read more about the history of Royal Shrovetide Football on wikipedia

Find out which team you belong to!