In this Korean drama, the first game played is red light green light, albeit with a slight twist. When the large animatronic (designed to look like a young Korean girl) says "green light", the players are free to move as much as they can while she sings a short song, at the end of which she says "red light" and turns around. The animatronic has motion detectors in her eyes to sense any kind of movement. If anyone is caught moving, they will immediately be shot, killed, and eliminated from the game (click button for more info)
Dalgona is a classic childrens game played in Korea using a needle and a circle of honeycomb. The honeycomb has a shape imprinted into it such as a triangle, umbrella, etc. The player must use the needle to carve the shape out of the honeycomb without cracking it, a very difficult task. This is precisely the game played in Squid Game, although in this case, if anyone cracks their shape, they will immediately be shot, killed, and eliminated from the game (click button for more info)
The third game played is tug of war, a well known game throughout the world based mainly in strength and stratedy. The players were told to get into teams of ten, not yet having been told what the game was. From there, two teams were chosen randomly and led onto two platforms raised hundreds of feet off the ground. Whichever team was pulled off their platform first, would hurtle to the ground, be killed on impact, and eliminated from the game (click button for more info)
Marbles is a general term to any game played with said toy. For this round of the game, the players were told to get into pairs, and were each given 10 marbles and told that they may choose whatever game they wanted to play together. The goal was to end up with all 20 marbles. Those who lost all their marbles were shot in the head, and eliminated from the game (click button for more info)
Unlike all previous games, this game is not a take on a game from childhood. The players were able to pick their order or play, and were then led into a circus tent with a double tract glass bridge in front of them. The players had to jump from one glass square to the other. The trick was that one pane was regular glass, and the other was tempered. If a player were to jump on the tempered glass, they would be fine. However, if they jumped on the regular, they would crash through and fall to their death and be eliminated (click button for more info)
The final game in the the show for which it was named, was Squid Game. It is relatively simple. If played by only two people (as it was in the show), then one player is on the offensive, and the other defensive. The offenser, or attacker's goal is to place one foot in the squids head (the circle over the triangle). The defender's only job is to keep the attacker from succeeding. In the show, both players were given steak knives and told to win with any means at their disposal. The last man standing would win the game (click button for more info)