⭐~ Dreams ~⭐

Parables of the Night

🤔 Have you ever wondered...

If your dreams are more than just your mind's creations or imagination? That they may actually carry messages, warnings and instructions related to your life? As you dream during your sleep, you may receive your most vivid dreams in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of a sleep cycle. However, by the time you wake up the next morning, you probably don't even remembered that you had dreamt at all. So this must mean that the dreams are not all that important, right? I know this sounds totally absurd and I don't blame you because I used to think of the same way espeically of my bizzare and irrational dreams. It wasn't until my encounters a few years back that completely changed my perspective. At first, I thought my déjà vu experiences were mere coincidences as two of my dreams had turned into reality. However, by the sixth time, I realized something was going on and I needed to find out the source of these dreams. So this was the start of my dream journey...

👉 Visit my blog to learn more!

galaxy and lavender field

✨Coded by Haw-Harn Jiang✨