Blade, the hedgehog

A man of many moods but one thing is certain, he's a sweet boy.

🦔 🦔 🦔

Hello, my name is Blade! I'm 3 years old. I'm either a wiggly cactus of doom,
a lovable little ball of prickles, or a very smart coder boi, there's no in between.

More on hedgie care

Pick your fighter

Wholesome Blade

I love sunsets and flowers. I can be pretty photogenic when I'm in a good mood.
🌸 🌅 ✨🌻

Coder Blade

I love when my mom lets me code for her! Even if it slightly disrupts my nocturnal sleep schedule, I love learning!

Evil Blade

I can be naughty at times, I particularly hate being bathed. When I do, I show my teefs and I may bite.