Benefits of knitting for your mental health

How soft and cozy wool is good for the brain

pile of knitwear

Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric. It is used in many types of garments. Knitting may be done by hand or by machine. (wikipedia)

In addition to being fun and creative, knitting has health benefits. It reduces stress, jumpstarts literacy, and reforms inmates. Studies show that knitting can even keep Alzheimer’s at bay! Who would’ve thought that this seemingly innocuous craft also moonlights in health, education and wellness? Here are some expamles of health benefits of knitting:

Want to learn more? Sign up for our newsletter about knitting and mindfulness to see how else you can benefit from a new hobby. Just be warned, knitting is addictive and once you start you might not be able to stop!