Breathe. Relax. Repeat.

Resources for calm


Relaxation in psychology is the emotional state of a living being, of low tension, in which there is an absence of arousal, particularly from negative sources such as anger, anxiety, or fear.
The benefits of relaxation can be found in three main areas of an individual's health, including; mental, physical and physiological health. Being relaxed can do positive things for someone's health from just elevating your mood to helping with insomnia. All of these things can help an individual live a happier and healthier life and may increase the longevity of one's life.
There are not many draw backs of relaxation. It is an easy technique to understand and follow through with. Three categories that relaxation can help with are mental, physical, and physiological

Have a look at some mental health resources below. Or for some relaxing music try Radio Art

Coded by Chloe Palmer