"Little you did know that you are a cosmic mistery described by your time
and place of birth, All the wisdom and the answers you are looking for to
take an important desition in your life are already writen since before
you were born, psychiatrist often say that psicologist is a dinosour
science, until the world learn how to use Astrology to understand
themselves, you were not a mistake, God was not angry when he made you,
there's a very unique plan for everyone of us, you are a matrix, and It
has an imprint that your sun signed up for, you can have that satisfying
feeling to understand your core, wether is addiction, death, end of a
relationship etc, all of it is your soul trying to fullfil the promise
that you came to this human dimension to accomplish. you can have that
"OMG now I get it moment" and live your life with peace and knowing your
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