2021 Atlanta Braves

Can they win the MLB World Series?

Braves celebrate 2021 NL East title
Image credit: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Before the team’s August 9th win, their 109th game of the season, the Atlanta Braves had not had a winning record. In the almost 2 months following the Braves would over take their division to finish 88-73. This would be the 4th division title in a row. In the post-season, the Braves are scheduled to take on the Milwaukee Brewers.

In 2020, the Braves cruised through their opening series verses the Cardinals only to fall to the LA Dodgers in their second series. They were only one win away from making the World Series!

As of October 10, 2021, the Braves are 1-1 in the NLDS. The currently scheduled games include:

For immediate updates, check the Offical Atlanta Braves Homepage