Welcome to Ghana: Akwaaba

The friendliest place below the Sahara

Wli Waterfalls

Where is Ghana?
Ghana is a country in West Africa, with over 31M people (2021), being its capital city Accra, where 2.5M of these live. It is beautifully positioned next to the Athlantic Ocean, with warmer waters than in Europe and no sharks, don't be scared! Some of the most famous beaches in Ghana include Kokrobite (my favourite) and Labadi beach, a more posh scenario in Accra.
Ghana has several traditions, starting with its extensive list of traditional foods. To name a few: Jollof Rice (better than Nigerian), Fufu, Banku, Waakye, Yam Porridge (Mpotompoto - my favourite), Kose, and many others. All of them are perfectly seasoned.
Ghana has a very artistic culture with very famous music artist, incredible fabric and clothing, strong religious practices, and quite a peculiar handshake (including palms, thumbs and forefingers, very complex, takes time and practice).

Ghana Location

What makes Ghana so special?
Ghana was the first country in Africa to gain independence, back in 1952, in a revolution led by Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana' first president. Its independence day is celebrated every year on the 6th of March. On this day, there is a music (quite common in Ghanaian culture, daily 😜), parades, tributes to Kwame Nkrumah, and loads of food. You should join! Be ready for the spice 🔥!

Learn more about Ghana here!

Ghana Location
Would you like to travel to Ghana?
☎️ Phone: +233 123 456 7890