The brain — the central “control unit” of our bodies, repository of
memories and emotions. Throughout history, philosophers have believed
that the brain may even house that intangible essence that makes us
human: the soul. What should we know about our brains?
How big are our brains?
The adult male brain weighs, on average, about 1,336 grams, whereas
the adult female brain weighs around 1,198 grams.
How ‘hungry’ are our brains?
Although the human brain weighs only 2 percent of the body mass, it
alone uses 25 percent of all the energy that your body requires to
run per day.
How much of our brains do we use?
Brain scans have shown that we use pretty much all of our brains all
of the time, even when we’re asleep — though patterns of activity
might differ depending on what we’re doing.
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