Paranormal & Beyond Help Center
Helping Humans & Non-humans Since 1969
To help us assess your paranormal activities and danger level
please read carefully and click on the closest to your current situation/experience.
Poltergeist / Spirits
- Objects in your house are moving or breaking by themselves.
- Cold spots in your living quarters.
- Dark shadows in the corner of your eyes are following you everywhere
you go.
Cryptids / Unknown Creatures
- Mysterious scratch marks within the parameters outside of your
- Unusual and unnatural amount dead animals around the area outside of
your home.
- Voices from the woods are calling your name or your family member's
name at night.
Extraterrestrial Life Forms
Flashback of having medical procedures in a place where it's too technological advance to be on earth.
- Strange holes or marks on your body.
- Gaps in memories.
Unknown Entity
- Static disembodied voice giving you knowledge beyond your capacity.
- Abnormal inhuman growth on/in your body.
- Unknown entities entice you to join their conscious/forms.
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