Coffee Does More Than Give You Energy.

It Helps Keep Diseases Away.


Here are 5 diseases coffee can help prevent:

  1. Heart Disease
    Those who drink more than two cups a day can reduce their chances in contracting heart disease and can lower their chance of cardiovascular death, coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure.

  2. Type II Diabetes
    The polyphenolic compounds in coffee have also been shown to help prevent and manage type II diabetes.

  3. Liver Disease
    Research shows people who drink two to three cups a day can reduce their chances of contracting liver cancer, endometrium (cancer in the lining of the uterus), fibrosis and cirrhosis (a late stage in fibrosis).

  4. Colon Cancer
    Those who drink one to three cups of coffee a day can stimulate bowel movements, which can help keep you regular. Keeping digestion on track reduces the carcinogens to which the colon is exposed to, because the faster waste moves through the body, the better.

  5. Gallstones
    Coffee can increase the flow of bile, helping prevent cholesterol from clumping into crystals (gallstones).

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