Coffee from around the world ☕

Why Is Colombian Coffee So Good?

Colombia is well known as one of the biggest producers of high quality coffee beans. This is due in part to its geography which provides ideal conditions for growing the beans. The richness of flavour provided by the beans is mainly down to an excellent climate, perfect soil and the exact right amount of rainfall as well as a temperature that almost never falls below freezing. In addition Colombia’s lush and mountainous terrain means the beans are well shaded from the scorching sun. Colombian coffee beans are hand-picked by locals ensuring only the highest quality beans ae selected.

Meet the Farmers:

Around 125 million people worldwide depend on coffee for their livelihoods. It is one of the most valuable and widely traded tropical agricultural products, produced mainly by smallholder farmers like Ketra Kyosiimire. Global coffee production varies from year to year according to weather conditions, disease and other factors, resulting in a coffee market that is inherently unstable and characterised by wide fluctuations in price. Coffee from around the world ensures certified coffee producer organisations are guaranteed to receive at least the Fairtrade Minimum Price for their coffee, which aims to cover their costs of production and act as a safety net when market prices fall below a sustainable level.