So, what can a budgie eat?

What will they? What should they? And, most importantly, what can you do about it???

Budgies Eating

Budgies - They're sweet, they're beautiful and wow, can it be difficult to determine nutritious diets for them - Let alone ones with foods they'll actually eat. This is the page where I share the fact's I've gathered about how to find their best foods, encourage them to eat healthily (because it can be done 🙂) and even share some fun, budgie-friendly recipes.

Thank you for making the committment to finding the food your budgie needs! 😊

Sources/Other Helpful Websites -
What Do Parakeets Eat? (Complete Parakeet Food List)
Budgie Parakeet Food and Feeding Recommendations
A Complete List of Foods Parakeets Can Eat (And What They Shouldn't)
What Do Parakeets Eat In The Wild
What Budgies Can Eat and What Not? Be Safe Than Sorry
List of Foods That Budgies Can Eat, How To Prepare Them & Nutrional Benefits…
What Do Budgie Parakeets Eat?