Plants & Decor

Plants and Decor

How to use indoor plants for interior decoration

urban jungle living room

The benefits of indoor plants are well established. In addition to being a rencetly trendy decoration style, plants bring a unique vibration at home.

Ancestral Chinese art, Feng Shui aims to harmonize the energy of a room to provide to its occupants serenity, well-being and harmony. This subtle and fascinating practice helps to regulate our polluted spaces, filled with magnetic waves, etc.

Feng Shui plants have an energetic and stabilizing role. For example, in the corners of a room, they can neutralize the harmful energies (poisoned arrows) and help the chi to circulate. In large rooms and corridors these plants slow down the energy. In addition, plants represent the living and therefore of course a positive energy. This is why Feng Shui will prefer fake plants (representing a living plant) than dried flowers, which are the non-living version of the plant (dead energy).

The plants will therefore vitalize and so make us swim in a chi regenerator very beneficial for our health. The yang energy of plants cleans our home, and neutralizes the possible negative energies of chemical and electrical pollutants, as mentioned previously.

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