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Travel, life, and dreams by Natasha Aldridge

Tel Aviv

☀️Favourite City Location☀️
🇮🇱 2019/20 🇮🇱

T el Aviv is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Titled the ‘Mediterranean Capital of Cool’ by the New York Times, this is a 24 hour city with a unique pulse ☀️
Combining sandy Mediterranean beaches with a world-class nightlife, a buzzing cultural scene with incredible food, UNESCO recognized architecture, and an international outlook, Tel Aviv is by far my favourite city to visit right now! Tel Aviv is located in Israel & boasts around 300 days of sunshine per year! Expect it to get very hot during their peak summer season, but as with most people I find spring time to be perfect! This is a very lively city composed of 90% young people. Expect that the city is active 24/7 – bars, restaurants, etc, they basically run all the time! Unlike Jerusalem, there is no dress code in Tel Aviv, and girls, you can expect to party in flats! 🙅🏻‍👠 You can even wear pajamas going out and nobody will care! Tel Aviv holds the biggest pride parade in the world every June so that makes them the only Middle Eastern country who is quite open to LGBTQ. Solo female travel in Tel Aviv is pretty safe as it’s very easy to meet friends – the Israelis are 200% friendly! Traveling with kids and families are also very common in Tel Aviv.


Best beaches in TLV ⛱


Tel Aviv Architecture 🇮🇱


Non-stop Partying 🕺🏻


The Best Food Literally 🤤