Foraging off the Land

Learn to use what Nature has Provided

Foraged plants

Anywhere you are, there are likely plenty of edible plants such as flowers, berries, seeds, nuts, roots, leaves, and sometimes the whole plant. Whether you want to forage for fun, supply yourself with food when hiking or backpacking, make medicine, or learn a new valuable skill, it is important to positively identify plants as well as harvest them ethically and sustainably. A great way to familiarize yourself with these plants is a guided plant walk. Learn more on Wikipedia


What is a guided plant walk?

A plant walk is a guided educational walk or hike through an urban or wild environment. The best way to learn about plants is through observing and having hands-on examples. We will look at plants that some people consider weeds and are more common from purslane, dandelion and chickweed to the less well-known such as cattails, burdock, and lambs quarter. You will also learn which parts of the plants are edible or medicinal.

Voyage quote

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Coded by Katrina Ferreira