I love Corgis

The Corgi is originally from Wales, where it was once bred to be a cattle dog. Nowadays he is above all a great family dog and with his cheeky, playful character he quickly becomes popular with everyone. However, if you are a little sloppy with your upbringing, the little rascal knows how to use this to his advantage.
The cute Corgi is available in two versions: Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Welsh Corgi Cardigan. In terms of character, however, the dog breeds do not differ significantly. Both the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan Welsh Corgi are considered intelligent, happy, and lively dogs that are playful and easy to get along with. However, this lovable character should not mislead you into underestimating the sweet short-legged friends. They can be very headstrong and brimming with self-confidence. As soon as they have the opportunity, they like to assert their own mind and look for an exciting activity - which may not always be one hundred percent in your interests.

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This page was developed by Kécia Santos