Cuevas MEDEK Exercises (CME Therapy) is a psychomotor form of
therapeutic intervention for infants and children who are experiencing
delayed gross motor development.
CME was created by Ramón Cuevas who is a Kinesiologist
and Physical Therapis in Santiago, Chile. CME was originated in 1972 and
Ramon has spent the past 48 years applying, evolving and teaching his
technique, supporting families adn therapists around the world
To learn more about the creation of CME, please visit the
CME International Center Website.
Genetic and environmental factors interact to assist in the development
of movement. CME focuses no the brain and promoting natural recovery
potential. CME practitioners apply specific exdrecises to provoke the
appearance of absent, automatic movement patterns to stimulate brain
development. Therefore, the use of CME techniques reinforces natural
recovery through activating the child's genetic code.