Knowing Your Creator

Someone Who Loves You

You are loved.

You heard me: Loved. Loved unfathomable and immeasurable by the one who knit you together in your mother's womb.

Your life matters, and it's irreplaceable.

Life, however, is sometimes a mountain where the top seems endless. The sun scorches your skin, and the wind threatens to knock you off balance. Your backpack adds to your daily exhaustion. And every rejection, abuse, trauma, and hardship makes that bag heavier and heavier.

Under increasing weariness, you feel your hands and feet slip. Rocks that appeared to be secure to use to pull yourself up; crimples and falls, making you temporarily lose your footing. Your arms, shoulders, and legs grow weak and shake from supporting your body weight.

The climb is unending. There is no real rest to be found from the torturous task that gets harder with each step. Maybe the only rest you see is to let go and have your burdens plummet you faster and faster to the ground: the escape from carrying the crushing pain on your shoulders.

But there is someone who wants to carry your backpack. To restore your strength and to revive you. To provide you with inner joy and peace amid turmoil, along with freedom from your bondages. He wants to commune with you, the authentic button and hair down you. And you don't have to get all cleaned up before you do. Your Creator wants to help you and climb with you every step of the way.

Read more about Him
Coded By Cassandra Hinds