Betta Fish

The little fish with big personalities

Betta fish are native to multiple countries in Southeast Asia, where they are often found in shallow pools of water, such as rice paddies or ditches. They enjoy shallow, warm (23-26 degrees Celsius), stagnant bodies of water, and often live alone due to their aggressive nature. While males will fight when they feel their territory is threatened, females can sometimes live together, provide their enclosure is big enough; male and female bettas should not be permanently homed together.

Despite the experiences many people in North America have viewing betta fish in cups at the pet store, betta fish require much more room than a cup or a fishbowl. A single betta fish requires at least 2.5 gallons of water to swim around in. This 2.5 gallon tank also requires a heater, filter, and daily to weekly water changes depending on the chemical stability of the tank. A fish bowl has neither the space, nor the water capacity to properly house a betta fish. Cups and bowls are meant to hold coffee and soup, not an animal.

To find out more about betta fish, where they come from, and what they need to survive in captivity, check out the website below.