Aquire a New Language🗣

No Textbooks Required!

Learning a new language can seem daunting. It’s all new, and you have no idea what is going on. The thing is, many people nowadays learn languages in a less than ideal way. Slaving away at grammar in textbooks, creating a million new flashcards for vocabulary that hardly get used, and the list goes on. They don’t truly take the language to a real-life context. When you think about it, how do kids learn a language?...
Well they certainly don’t start with textbooks! They learn from interactions with other humans - learning from experiences, repetition, and trial and error. And this method is actually more effective than traditional language learning. It forces our brains to begin thinking in that new language, not translating from the one we already know. Still don’t believe that this method is more effective than most language classes? Check out this video!

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