Hey Friends 👋

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius Tiger Yes, from Gladiator.

Max Tiger

I was born in Arizona, lived in California and now Texas. I am 2 years old, but I'm feeling 22. They call me a Scottish Fold, but the only thing Scottish about me is the Kilt mom put me in last October. Oh no, the time has almost come again. I better rip that thing to shreds before she gets to it. BRB. Done . Ok, so - yes, that's what they are calling me. Also, something about a Tabby, but we'll move on. I do not have any special tricks other than my daily 5:00 am singing ritual. Sometimes I play soccer, but that's only when mom breaks out that CatNip, then I'll be CatTripping all over these floss sticks. (my favorite toy) I like to enjoy my mornings stretching on the patio and catching bugs. I don't know what was in the air last week, but I was unstoppable! Although mom did not think it was funny when I caught that bee. Apparently, we have to "save the bees" I thought it was funny. And I had him! Anyways thanks for letting me share. Might start a blog. Let me know. For now, Click below to join my IG Live workouts! Namaste Kittens

Save the Bees