Simple Life Hacks to a Better You

How Yoga can improve your life

Scoprion on hike

Daily practice of being mindful should be a part of every humans lifestyle.

Practicing yoga is said to be one of the best ways to incorporate breathing work into your daily routine, and it is designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress. Just a few minutes a day can do WONDERS for your outlook on life, your stress levels, and your sleep quality.

Often I am asked, "Why do you exercise so often?" For me, it's simple. To relieve stress and be in better control of my body and mind. In this day and age, being in touch with oneself and one's emotions is ever more critical. Like many, I have suffered from anxiety, and one of the best ways to keep it under control is to focus on my breathing when I feel tense and move around a bit. You'll be surprised by the results when you have a singular focus on the task at hand, ie. yoga postures, during a stressful situation. Once you start this daily habit of moving and breathing with intent, you'll get a boost of feel-good serotonin that your brain will LOVE! Over time, you can challenge yourself to more complex poses that require more breathing for balance, which helps your lung, heart, and brain health.

Want to learn more about the benefits of yoga?