🌿 Pesky Planting: Is There Anything I Can Keep Alive? 🌱

A beginner's guide to *almost* death-proof plants.

Pothos Plant 🌿

Pothos is arguably the easiest of all houseplants to grow. Almost immune to underwatering (so rest easy those of you who, like me, often forget to water), this trailing vine has pointed, heart-shaped green leaves, sometimes variegated with white, yellow, or pale green. While pothos likes bright, indirect light, it also thrives in areas that don’t get a lot of sun, even just fluorescent lighting. This versatility makes pothos an excellent plant for locations like offices, dorm rooms, bat-caves, etc, and a great plant for all ages and experience levels.
Via The Spruce, click here for more info!

Sansevieria Plant 🌿

Their edgy look is a subtle indication of their tough-as-nails interior. Sansevierias, also called "Snake Plants" or "Mother-In-Law's Tongue," are some of the toughest plants around. They can grow inside, on a balcony, in a garden... these plants are so low-maintenance that they can put up with almost anything. You can find them tall or short, with round, flat or concave leaves, and variegated with dark green, silver, light green, yellow, chartreuse or white.
Via Joy Us Garden, click here for more info!

Philodendron Plant 🌿

A bit pickier, but nonetheless a great starter plant for anyone looking to 'up' their brown-thumb status, Philodendron plants have only three basic needs: sunlight, water, and fertilizer. If you listen to the signs, this plant tells you exactly what it needs when it needs it, so even beginners can keep it happy with little effort.
Via Gardening Know How, click here for more info!

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