All about broadcast journalism

What is broadcast journalism?

Tiara Reporting

Broadcast journalism is the art of telling stories via televised news, radio,
and other broadcasted sources.
Learn more on Wikipedia.

About the page author

Okay, so funny story about myself, the girl in the photo above? Yup, that's me... well that's who I used to be at least. For three years
I studied to become a boradcast journalists, not really knowing what I wanted to become until after I got my degree. I always wanted to talk for a
living, but I didn't know how I could use my one true skill as a full fledge career. Okay, saying 'talk' may have been a broad way to put it. I rather want to
be able to communicate with others would have been a better way to describe my passion in life. And it wasn't until I landed the job that I finally
realized, this is what I want to do. From that moment forward I recognized news reporting and anchoring as my true passion in life.
But it's for sure not my only passion. That's why I am always trying new things, like coding!