
Released 08 May 2020

Nottingham’s Dacodac make the kind of music that can soundtrack every season. From breezy and sunny to melancholic and wistful, their debut EP ‘BC’ presents five slices of varied and quirky indie rock, a rousing mixture of chunky rhythms, hyperactive guitars, held together by delicate vocal melodies.

Started in late 2016 by four friends as an excuse to hang out, drink beer and have fun, Dacodac existed casually in the confines of a Sneinton practise room until their first live show in December 2017. The ball was rolling! However, life got in the way as it sometimes does, and singer Flo jetted off to the USA on a research project for her job. A year later, the band picked up again and slowly began to relearn and refine the songs they had written, as well as adding a couple more to their repertoire.

After a handful of shows and a quick ask around the Notts DIY scene, they collected enough mics and gear to record in their practice space. 5 tracks were recorded by the band over a couple of days and handed over to London-based producer Bob Matthews for mixing. After mastering by Joe Caithness, ‘BC’ was ready to be released into the wild on 08 May 2020.

Almost four years for 5 tracks might seem like a glacially slow pace, but the band are fine with that. They enjoy taking things easy, with the music acting as an outlet to their busy lives. The songs benefit from it too, getting plenty of time to breathe and evolve. After all, this band exists as a vehicle for friendship; the actual song writing side of it is just a bonus.

All proceeds from Bandcamp sales are being donated to two Nottingham based charities, Harmless and Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services.