Technology within Legal Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in Legal Tech

AI and technology within legal services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is just beginning to come into its own in terms of its use by lawyers and within the legal industry. What’s the impact of this technology on the legal profession? Within the next few years, we will find ourselves on the cusp of a revolution in the practice of law led by the adoption of artificial intelligence – in particular, by in-house lawyers. Much like email changed the way we do business every day, AI will become ubiquitous – an indispensable assistant to practically every lawyer. Those that do not adopt and embrace the change will get left behind. Those that do will ultimately find themselves freed up to do the two things there always seems to be too little time for: thinking and advising.

Like many, you may be wondering about what AI products are out there or on the way, and how you use them. Welcome to the four-part series on artificial intelligence and its impact on the legal industry, specifically how in-house legal departments will be affected by it. Over the course of the series we will discuss,

- What AI is,
- How it can be used by legal departments, and
- What you – as an in-house lawyer – should be doing next regarding AI.

Source: Thomson Reuters

to read the Entire Series

Coded by Nusrat Jahan Shaba