House Plant Greatness

Because house plants are an introvert's best friend

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What plant parent are you?

plants you cannot kill

Zero Effort Plants

Are you really bad at remembering to water your plants? If you out your head down and silently agreed, dont worry we have the plants for you!

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diva plant

Drama Queen Plants

If you are a pro at taking care of not only yourself but also a tempermental plant, we have a challange for you. Check out these diva plants!

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snake plants

Perfect for Beginners

Are you a new plant parent? It can be intimidatng, but not to worry we have the right choices just for you. Low maintanance and looking good.

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Top 4 House plant tips

Houseplants have gotten more popular recently, which is really fun for us to see! Here are houseplant tips and tricks for you to use on your new plant babies.

flower roatating

Spin your plants around so they grow evenly and not lopsided. Every week.


Use pots with holes in them. Very helpful and necessary if you are a gardening newbie.


If you are prone to giving to watering too much, buy a moisture meter. It will help you learn how much water your plant needs.


Try taking your houseplants outside for the summer and grow them in the shade. It is amazing how much they grow!