Prison to School Pipeline


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Revolutionary Scholars Project

I am a formerly incarcerated student at California State University, Northridge majoring in Computer Science. I work for Revolutionary Scholars Project on campus and we are building a prison-to-school pipeline through recruitment, retention, and advocacy. Our success will directly challenge the stigmas associated with people with histories of incarceration. Through our work, we support currently incarcerated individuals and formerly incarcerated and systems impacted students to achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals. We are grounded in an abolitionist vision that understands carcerality as oppressive and we dedicate our work to fight against all forms of subjugation.

We have different chapters of formerly incarcerated programs in the California State Univerisy and University of California insitutions.

CSU: Project Rebound

Project Rebound was founded in 1967 by John Irwin, an SF State sociology professor who was himself formerly incarcerated, Project Rebound was one of the first restorative justice programs in the country, and remains the only organization of its kind. Many of the staff at the SF State Project Rebound program were once incarcerated themselves, and the program has served more than a thousand students.

UC: Underground Scholars

The Underground Scholars Initiative (USI) was created to support all prospective and current UC Berkeley students impacted by issues of mass incarceration, imprisonment, and detainment of any kind. The goal of USI is to bridge the topic of mass incarceration that is highly popularized in academia with one that is grounded in the lived experiences of UC Berkeley students. USI has the unique opportunity of making UC Berkeley a catalyst for the development of a Prison to School pipeline within the University of California educational system.

If you would like more resources click on the resouce button and we will get in contact with you as soon as possible!

Page Created By Maria Martinez