Solo Travel

See the World on Your Own Terms

Being Alone Does Not Mean Being Lonely

I was in my early twenties and wanted to do some world exploring before I started law school and became a "real adult". But all my friends had serious jobs, serious boyfriends...all together too much seriousness. But life is short, so I booked myself a ticket for one and stumbled onto the joys of solo travelling. Here are just a few of them.

1. Meeting New People. Turns out that I'm more likely to meet other people when I travel alone because there's no one else to talk to. Some of my best memories are stumbling through conversations in Spanglish and Franglais with train cabin-mates.

2. Making Your Own Schedule. You may be the type of person to spend hours in obscure local museums or wandering the side streets of new cities, driving your travelling companions to the edges of boredom and exhaustion. Or, you may want nothing to do with the museum your friend is dying to check out. When you travel alone, you get to do and see what you want.

3. Self-Reflection. It's hard to find time and willpower these days to stop doing what we're doing, step away from the screens and just be alone with our thoughts. Solo travel requires focus and attention and ample time to reflect without interruption.
