Film Photography

Film Camera

Why film is making a comeback

Taking pictures with film is more difficult than with a digital camera. For one, not everyone can do it well. It takes much practice and experience to produce stellar film images that only come with shooting rolls and rolls of films, using different films and cameras. Each film type has its personality - a unique look. If you give a monkey a DSLR and it takes 1,000 images in an hour, a handful is bound to be great images. You can learn more about different types of film and cameras on Shoot It With Film.

The film reveals a photographer’s real knowledge, experience, and creativity, with only 24-36 frames available to take on a film roll. Given the cost associated with each frame or shot ($0.xx to $x.xx), a photographer must be decisive and indeed be conversant with photography to produce a pleasing image.

Film Roll

The learning curve with the film is much steeper. Unless one thoroughly understands the Exposure or Photography Triangle, one is unlikely to get far in film photography. The yearning to be a real photographer contributes to film photography’s revival—authenticity and credibility as a photographer that results in a more rewarding experience. Think you've got the makings of a great film photographer but don't have the tools?
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