I Love Durian

Especially the ones fallen straight from the tree

Durian has been described as the most foul-smelling fruit in the world. Durian's smell is so pungent that the spiky-skinned fruit is even banned from public places in Singapore and Malaysia. But I love the smell of it. I love the taste even more - it has a sweet, custardy taste, with the texture of creamy cheesecake. But you have to know how to pick the best Durian to enjoy it more; I prefer the fruit to be as ripe and pungent in aroma as possible because in this state, the flesh becomes richly creamy, slightly alcoholic, the aroma pronounced and the flavour highly complex. To top it off, I would pour water into the skin and sip normally as if it was from a glass of water. In addition, you can keep the seed and cook it as a side dish!

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This page was made by Elvira Trishayani