The Squat Challenge

What is a squat?

The squat is considered a compound movement, meaning it works multiple muscle groups across multiple joints. The primary muscles involved in the movement are your quadriceps. On the eccentric part of the move, or the lowering portion of the squat, the muscles in your hamstrings and your hip flexors fire too. Squats also work the muscles around the knee, which helps build strength and prevent injury.

Man doing a dumbbell squat

You can learn more on this web page

Types of squats

Barbell front squat Barbell back squat Dumbbell squat Split squat Weighted lunge Hack squat Pistol or single leg squat

What is the squat challenge?

This entails doing as many squats as you can in one day, then adding 10 extra squats everyday for 10 days!

Coded by MCD