King of the Jungle

Panthera Leo

Meet the Cats

From the biggest to the smallest, the fastest to the strongest, the funniest to the fiercest, let's find out more about these amazing cats🦁. In cats family, I love big cats, such as Lion, Cheetah, Puma and Tigers , they are my favourite among 41 varieties of Felidae. I am fascinated about their immense strength, agility, speed and their sharp look in their eyes, and of course their family nature like us humans.


Pride of Lions

Among all the many cats in the world, the main pantherinae species consist of tigers and lions whereas many other species are felinae such as cougars, leapords and jaguars. Lions are said to have the loudest roar that can be heard for 5 miles. They are the only species of cat that stay in groups and hunt together, like a pack of dogs, a pride of lions. They are also such things as super prides where they have up to 20 lions in it and because of it , they can hunt the biggest and most ferocious of prey such as bison buffalos and even elephants. Most of these super prides tend to be in the savannah of Tanzania, however, the more isolated packs and sections of lions are in the Namib, which is the oldest desert on planet earth.


Acinonyx jubatus

Cheetahs have an immense sprinting power and are the fastest land animal of the planet with speeds of up to 97km/hr however, they can only keep this up for roughly 10seconds before they tire out and maybe have to leave their prey. Cheetahs can also use this speed to change course, as they may have to not run in straght lines,and the shape of their paws allow them to easily bounce of the ground.


Panthera tigris

Tigers are the biggest of all the cats. One of it's subspecies is native to Indian subcontinent called 'The Bengal Tiger or Royal Bengal Tiger'. They have camouflaged stripey skin, so that it will blend in to the background of the tall grass and easily cath their prey because animals such as deers can only see in black and white so will only see the lines of grass rather than the tigers skin, These big cats also have padded paws that have little sound when moving so they will be left undetected.
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