How to make Tea

At the very least, tea is a flavourful way of getting enough fluid into your body each day. On top of that, studies have shown teas can help protect your teeth and your heart!

pouring tea

Learn more about the amazing benifits of tea on Healthline



  1. Place enough water (depending on how much tea you wish to drink) into a kettle to be boiled.
  2. This step is optional, but in order for the tea to stay warm, the teapot or cup in which the tea will be served should be preheated before pouring boiling water into it, because if the pot or cup isn't warm, the temperature of the water will quickly drop.
  3. Place a tea bag into your chosen mug
  4. Carefully pour the feshly boiled water into your mug.
  5. Allow the tea bag infuse their goodness in the water by impatiently allowing it to brew for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Gently remove the tea bag with a spoon and rapidly throw it into the bin, unless you are willing to mop up the tea bag drippings off the clean floor...I thought not.
  7. Add in a splash of milk if you choose or even sugar/honey if you are feeling sweet enough.
  8. TA DAA! You can finally enjoy your cuppa with a cookie (or 5, I won't tell if you don't)