The 3 best medicinal plants from the garden

Medical plants

Herbs and medicinal plants are probably the oldest medicine in the world. With their active ingredients, they naturally help against many ailments and support the body. But anyone who thinks that medicinal plants are not only completely outdated, but also difficult to plant, is wrong. Often the little helpers thrive in the gardens at home without anyone suspecting their healing power. These 3 plants not only fit in every home, but also enrich every medicine cabinet.



This purple-colored plant can already be found in many gardens, and rightly so. After all, the lavender not only looks beautiful, but also has a bewitching smell. The lavender oil that is extracted from the fragrant flowers has a positive effect on the psyche. If you sleep poorly or wake up at night, a few drops of the oil on the pillow or a lavender bath will safely accompany you through the night. In addition to its calming effect, lavender is also a real insect repellent. Aphids avoid plants near lavender, and moths also stay away from wardrobes with a lavender bag.



Who didn't have to drink chamomile tea when they were sick in bed as a child? Chamomile is a real classic among medicinal plants and not without reason. It relaxes the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract and thus helps against abdominal pain, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It also drives away bloating and flatulence and is the ideal plant for all types of abdominal pain. Simply brewed as a tea, it helps the digestion to get going again and looks good in every garden with its yellow-white flowers. However, allergy sufferers to daisy flowers should be careful when using chamomile, in rare cases allergic reactions may occur.



Basil is not only a hit as a delicious addition to tomatoes and mozzarella. The little herb also cuts a fine figure as a medicinal plant. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and can relieve swelling. In addition, basil with its essential oils helps against many stomach and intestinal ailments. Regardless of whether you have a stomach ache or nausea: basil helps if you eat the wrong food.

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