The Revoloution of Remote Fitness!

It's easy to say that 2020 really challenged our everyday routines by shutting down any gym or fitness studios due to the increasing spread of COVID 19 throughout the world. Which in turn had many of us get creative on to incorporate a workout while maintaining and adhearing to social distancing and different local orders. If you're like me, you decided to invest in your physical health and purchased a Spin Bike! Whether it be the Peloton, Nordic, or any other brand, a spin bike is an effective and low-impact workout that could not only provide physical improvements, but also assist in enhancing mental improvements as well. Now, if you haven't sized your new piece of equipment I recommend you take a moment and review the previous article on how to properly size your bike to your unique size, because every body is different.
How to Size Your New Spin Bike

Bend your arms slightly and hold onto the handlebars gently

While riding your spin bike, try to keep your shoulders relaxed and not be so stiff on your bike. This will allow you to have a comfortable, sustainable ride.

Seat yourself on the widest part of the saddle

This is the most cushioned part of the seat and is intended to keep you comforatble and supported throughout your ride. If it is causing you some pain, consider purchasing padded bike shorts which will provide you with extra support.

Lean towards your handlebars at a 45° angle while maintaing a straight back

Maintain your shoulder relaxed and start to find a comfortbale position to place your hands on the handlebars as you ride along. Keep checking to ensure that your seat is on the widest part of your saddle because if you lean too forward it could cause your back to curve which could lead to future injury.

Engage your core!

Don't think of engaging your core as holding your breath, but more of stabilizing yourself. For instance, if someone were to walk by you and unexpectantly give you a shove, your core will activate and prevent you from falling! This is the same concept on the Spin Bike. It will also keep your lower back in a safe position to again, prevent injury.

Guide your pedals through each rotation, think "Smooth as Peanut Butter!"

Use your feet to pull through each pedal stroke instead of pushing the pedals along. This will not only activate your quads but it will also activate your hamstrings. As you pedal, be conscious of your knees and have them facing forward like headlights. This will make your pedal stroke more efficient and prevent hip injury.

This article simply covered basic seating and posture for your new spin bike, but if you would like to learn more in detail about hand plaements or obtain work out ideas, subscribe to our newsletter today to maximize your new piece of equipment to help you achieve your work out goals!